At a truck stop, a trucker parked his truck. He was only there about five minutes when a knock came on the door. "Hey, mister, want a date for tonight?" The trucker, who was not in the habit of accepting such offers, was about to give his customary "No" when he took a closer look at her face.
"How old are you?" She said, "18." (They all are 18. Only they're not.) His thought was she's no older than 14. He asked, "Why are you doing this?" Her reply: "You see that guy in that Cadillac back there? He's why I have to do this."
In most locations she'd be charged as a criminal. Law enforcement may or may not take any interest in him.
How does a girl (or boy - boys are not exempt; some customers prefer boys) get caught up in this? Lots of ways. I'll present one of them today, and others later. There's a moral to the story for each one, but that's something you should work out. I'd be interested to know your responses and thoughts.
Boy meets girl. Girl meets boy. He finds her attractive; she finds him attractive. They see each other with increasing frequency, and each encounter is more intimate than the last. He pressures her to take that last step - "If you love me, you'll do it - and, finally, she takes the leap. After all, he's convinced her that she's the only love of his life, that he'll respect her in the morning, yada. . .So sexual intercourse is surely OK, and they have sex.
She thinks they've made love.
He thinks "I can sell this on the street."
So they experiment with other sexual activities, and at some point he introduces her to a couple of his friends. He tells her that she needs to do the same thing for his friends. At this point surely the lights have gone on for her, but the point of no return has been reached. If she refuses, she's beaten - gang-raped - introduced to "The Life."
"Baby, we need some money. Go out and make us a few hundred." Maybe she's not told how to make it. She doesn't need to be told. Say you don't like the anal variety? Honey, a few hundred tonight, and it's whatever the customer wants. It's not about what you like or don't like. If she makes the few hundred, she gets a split, right? Well, no. Not usually. Pimp gets it all.
Moral of the story?
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