Saturday, February 2, 2013

Recently my nephew completed a year of blogging every day. It wasn't easy a'tall a'tall. There were days when all he could do was to write a sentence. But, still, he did it. I'm reminded of Flannery O'Connor who would make a point to spend at least four hours a day with her writing pad. Sometimes inspiration came. Sometimes it didn't. But, just in case it did she'd be ready for it.

I'm going to try it, now. 1 year, blogging every day, starting today. Some days I'll have something to say. Some days, I'll have nothing at all to say, except "Today I have nothing at all to say." I did write in a blog before - - and I think you can still find it if you want. If I repeat myself, too bad. If I repeat myself, too bad.

Some interests of mine, that may come up now and then:

HUMAN TRAFFICKING. I have become increasingly aware. We have what has been a major center of the sex trafficking trade, right here in the Quad Cities. I'm not saying the name. It's a truck stop. On I-80. You know - an I-80 Truckstop. I have considered being part of a ministry that a church in the Quad Cities has supported, but I think it is not my calling. Praise God for St. Alban's Episcopal for doing this. I have worked in raising awareness, as much as I can in my situation. You think your town is exempt? Got a truck stop? Got any downtown massage parlors? Look at that girl approaching that truck in the lot. Looks like she's 14? She probably is. See that guy in the Cadillac 50 feet away from her, looking like he's watching her every move? He's probably the reason she's approaching that truck. See those injured knuckles on her hand? She probably didn't make quite enough money for him last night; slamming hands in doors is a favored punishment among many. Sex slavery is only one aspect of human trafficking. It is the most profitable. And we all know that sex sells newspapers.

There are others, but I do sometimes drift into TLDR territory, though (TLDR="Too long, didn't read.")

Thanks for hanging out!

1 comment:

  1. Love the background picture. Looking forward to reading more. Good luck!
