Tuesday, March 19, 2013


A story in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch is about a candidate for mother of the year: A 28-year-old Warrenton woman is in police custody. Police said she spanked her 3-year-old son in excess. She admitted as much in an interview with police - that she occasionally spanked her son too much.

You could say that.

There were six calls made to a state child abuse and neglect hotline within the past year. Spanked too much? In a November incident the child had "severe bruises along the back of his spine, shoulder area, face, ears, groin, chest and top of his head." She said that an abrasion on his head may have occurred when she hit him with a sippy cup.

Mom-o-the-year material, there.

The commenters on the story in the Post-Dispatch had predictable responses - I rather favor the sterilization-and-a-lobotomy idea - but one apparently saw mom's picture and said, "She's kinda hot." Thus, one comment leads to a thought about a phenomenon I've been noticing: Perpathy. Sympathy for the perps.

The recent rape trial in Steubenville, Ohio brought this to light. There were many reports about how this verdict and punishment was going to ruin the lives of these bright young men.

Bright young men? Great futures ruined? They are RAPISTS. Say it again: RAPISTS. Nothing more. I have not seen any coverage that spoke of the damage this would have done to the victim, just the damage that her charges would do to the perps.

Had that been my daughter I would have done as these parents did: back my daughter all the way through trial. Had that been one of my granddaughters, the buzz would have been about that 12-gauge vasectomy done right in front of the courthouse.

They are RAPISTS - nothing more. She was the victim, but she's ruined their lives??

And please don't tell me that this isn't who these young men are. This is exactly who they are.


After the trial two girls were arrested for threatening the life of the victim.


It's not new. Remember "Free Charles Manson?"


It's not new. It wasn't very bright then. It's downright moronic now.

Thanks for letting me vent.

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